Since 1999 the Hornby Island Blues Week and Music Camp have grown almost to capacity. With a dedicated program that keeps the class numbers small and the instruction world-class, we provide an intimate experience and a great opportunity for blues students and musicians to enhance their skills in this very special music genre. And while we continue to move our blues identity off island to surrounding communities with showcase concerts, and support Blues performances on Hornby throughout the year, and also provide outreach for Blues music into schools, we remain what we have always been – a community group of Blues aficionados. Our ambition has always been to bring great blues artists to our island and to create a greater awareness of Canadian Blues music for everyone involved. Of course, we also like to have fun and this is just a great way to do that. We think the Hornby Island Blues Society has enriched the lives of not only our community, but also has influenced the creative growth of hundreds of student musicians. Years later now, we are really proud of what we have accomplished since that memorable July day in 1999 at the Comox Valley Musicfest when the Hornby Island Blues camp idea was forged.
From our humble beginnings (the first year we had only 16 paying students) to capacity venues, we have come a long way, and there are many people who have contributed. So much of what happens in the shaping of the Blues Workshop is directly linked to the support of our incredible community who provide their beautiful homes for accommodation or their studio space for teaching venues. We are also are truly grateful to the dozens of volunteers who cook, clean, build, and taxi for our guest musicians. And, as always, we remain thankful for the Hornby artists whose contributions to Blues Week and its "kick-off" art show distinguish this event from all others like it. While the Hornby Island Blues Society's Board may change, its mission rarely does, as the chance to hear live Blues played by world-class musicians, and to bear witness to the legendary jams and unhinged artistry for which our Blues Week has become notorious, is reward enough.
Our mandate is to bring blues performers to our island to create a greater awareness of Canadian Blues music and of the depth that Canadian musicians have to offer. We feel we are accomplishing this having hosted many of Canada's top Blues musicians. The end result of these efforts was being awarded the prestigious Mample Blues Award for Canadian Blues Promotion for 2018.
2024 marks the 25th year of the Hornby Island Blues Workshop where once again we live up too our motto of “Keeping The Blue Live!”